We all play our part... No images? Click here We all play our part...#36 Meee Moments (June 2022) I recently went to Coleg Gwent in South Wales, UK and met some learners who had completed our FUEL and FUEL LITE programmes. What I loved was how positive they were and how they were so brilliantly supported by some truly amazing staff. They were such an amazing group of lovely people, who all had their own unique challenges, abilities and outlooks. They spoke of the things they loved doing, how they saw the world, and how they saw their futures. It reminded me how beautifully unique we all are and that if you can honestly say you are doing your very best and trying your utmost, then that's the best you can do. We all need a reminder at times to keep going. Thank you, Coleg Gwent, for reminding me that there truly is magic in every single one of us! - Sid x Welcome to this issue of Meee Moments, which we hope will help you find your own moments of love, joy and magic. My experience with Meee... Embarking on a new career path can be a daunting experience. I was so lucky to receive an apprenticeship with M-SParc which placed me with the incredible team at Meee. Never have I worked with a group of people who are dedicating their lives to inspire and educate others. After witnessing the positive transformative nature of their 'FUEL' programme, I too find myself enriched for having delved into their teachings. I don't really believe in "the universe" or "things happen for a reason" but I can honestly say that the 'FUEL' programme was the medicine I didn't know I needed. Whichever spirits were at play, it's a coincidence I am exceptionally grateful for. The 'FUEL' programme has helped me re-frame my values and goals and given me the tools to help me continue navigating this ever changing work/life landscape with clarity and confidence. Armed with my pencil, I navigated exercises and inspiring content that has activated a renewed enthusiasm to forge my own journey in line with my values. However, what has made this journey so special thus far is not my story, but witnessing others grow and gain is where the real magic happens. Seeing how much 'FUEL' activates and enriches others is so inspiring. The support around the company is also a testament to the value and ethos of the programme. So many people see how special this company is. I feel very privileged to work with such a supportive, inspiring team who are dedicated to bettering the lives of others. - Iddon Barry The Button...Who would have thought that a quirky little Meee exercise called '10 Things' would lead to creating a calming and therapeutic aid called Barry The Button. We've been very fortunate to work with some wonderful Further Education colleges and on one of the FUEL LITE courses the facilitator took in physical objects for the '10 Things' exercise, where learners are asked to think of 10 things that they can do with 6 objects. One of the students picked up the button and called it 'Barry' and used it in the session to help her with her anxiety. She asked the facilitator if she could take Barry home. Barry is now a permanent part of Megan's life. So whatever it takes, never stop looking for ways to live a happier, magical life. SMILE...We love to talk about smiling at Meee. We know that this simple act can make you feel happy and you can pass on joy to others, creating a ripple effect. It's often difficult to remember to smile during our busy days - when we're scrambling to get to work, sorting out our children, cleaning the house, tidying the garden or attending sports clubs and activities. How about setting reminders around the house or in your garden, or in work. It could be a post-it note, a photo frame, a strategically placed ornament. Father's Day is approaching on 19 June and there is a time of the day for our team member, Paula, which makes her think of her late father. When she sees this time on the clock, it always makes her remember him and smile, and so he is never forgotten. One small step...World Environment Day is celebrated annually on 5 June. It can seem that the world's problems are so hard to solve and that we can't make a difference. But if you can take one small step a day - with your mind, your health, or saving the planet, do it. After one year you will have done 365 things for your mind, 365 things for your health and 365 for the planet. Now, allegedly there are 8 billion people living in the world. Times that by 365 days and we really all can make a difference together, both for ourselves and each other. What are the small steps you can take today? Share your ideas with us, by email or through social media. Gone appy! (The true power of connections)I love tech, I really do. I love that you can gain access to any information you like. It's great. BUT! Have we gone too far? Meee was recently exhibiting and talking at The Watercooler event at Olympia, London, and what struck us was how many apps and digital solutions there are to help with all aspects of mental health and wellbeing. This is great and I'm sure they all have their place and play their part in helping us. But, I feel we're starting to miss the point of using this tech. We're starting to over rely on it and use it to substitute what we all need - to feel safe, connected, understood and be useful. And there's no better way to do this than by being us, aka human. One of the best things about being at the show was seeing people, and in many cases having a great big hug after months of personal interaction (notably Daniel, Lucy, Alexandra, Claire, Ellie, Sarah, Joss and Gary). So here’s to the hugs, the great conversations, the smiles, the coffees, the buns and truly connecting on a human level. More Tales from the Watercooler, please join in with our webinar... We know how important conversations are but what is more important is to take action on what is learnt and so Meee is hosting a webinar on 01 June 2022 at 1pm to continue the conversation: 'Tales from the Watercooler: How are we meeting the wellbeing needs of the next generation entering the workforce?'. We would love you to join in with us and share your insight. |